Coastal Authority Care Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, specifically to provide grants to veterans with service-connected injuries, especially the “invisible wounds” of mild traumatic brain injury, post traumatic stress and chronic pain. Our Emerging Therapy Grant program will help pay for cutting-edge medical therapies, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy and neurofeedback, that is not covered by insurance, which provides symptom relief and helps restore quality of life. Our ultimate goal is to help prevent suicide.

Additionally, we may also provide grants to veterans, their spouse or other accompanying family member to help pay for travel and lodging expenses associated with therapy.
Eligible applicants for grants are veterans with service-connected injuries who are traveling to or live in Virginia to receive HBOT or neurotherapy for TBI and/or PTSD. Click here to go do our Documents section and download the Medical Treatment Grant Application.
CACF was founded December 2015.